Friday, July 29, 2016

Whiteboarding the FY 2017 Budget

FY 2017 Budget Highlights

  • Turnaround Strategy  - $23.6M
  • Charter System Operating Model - $18.5M
  • Pay Parity - $15.2M
  • Safety & Security - $10.6M
  • Textbook/Resource Adoption - $5.4M
  • CRCT Remediation - $4M
  • Early Childhood Education - $1M

Budget Parameters

  1. Allocation decisions will be made to prioritize achieving a more equitable distribution of resources pursuant the district’s equity audit. 
  2. The district will allocate resources to implement effectively the system’s move to a “charter system” operating model. (Includes Flex and Cluster Funds) 
  3. The district will fund pension obligations in accordance with State statute and actuarial standards.
  4. The district will invest in a multi-year school turn-around strategy that provides additional support and interventions for schools at risk of state take-over. 
  5. The district will make investments in early childhood education based on findings from research study.
  6. Ongoing implementation of district’s CRCT remediation & enrichment efforts 
  7. Improvement in student achievement in math, science, and literacy, including a comprehensive materials of instruction strategy (inclusive of textbook adoption and online student and teacher resources)
  8. Ongoing implementation of signature programming across clusters 
  9. Ongoing implementation of positive behavior supports programming 
  10. Strategies to recruit, professionally develop, and retain high-quality staff
  11. Continued implementation of multi-year compensation study recommendations to address pay parity (Step and 3% COLA)
  12. The safety, security, and well-being of students and staff (including the implementation of a new safety/security model)
  13. Preventative maintenance of support infrastructure (including buildings, buses, and technology) (total need is $394.4 million)
  14. Continued implementation of cultural transformation strategy, including strengths-based programming
  15. Implementation of District’s external communications strategy

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